Saturday, February 12, 2011

WC11 BQ is on!!

The Cricket World Cup 2011 is on us in less than a week!

Our own BQ will also be on in less than a week - whether you like it or not :-))

This time, the Q portion will be only based on pictures or videos, so that googling becomes a bit more irrelevant ;-)

More about the B portion later.

Before starting, a few admin details to be sorted out:

1. Do not forget your daily SPAM: Please let me know if you are really interested to be in the mailing list. Warning: Thou shall be spammed daily until the first week of April almost on a daily basis.
2. HTTP 404: If you are still interested, please check whether you need the SPAM to hit an alternate email address rather than the one that it is aimed at, now. If alternate, please let me know immediately, so that I can update the group accordingly.
3. Friendship is constant..If you have other friends who will be interested in this exercise, pls to introduce and we shall take it on from there.

Next Email: Will be on 16th Feb Wednesday giving you further details.

Enjoy the 'Mandala of Cricket'!!

PS: Those of you who did literature might know who said the quote on #3 above; of course you can come back with the answer - and while you are googling, check the second line of the quote - real gem!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

iam in.. we should setup pot/betting pool..