Thursday, December 31, 2009

MMX=2010! Thanks Clarke & Intel!!

Five quick 2010 resolutions...


** Buy anything that is useful to you. Preferably Green.


** Donate anything - blood, money, time, your choice.


** From Lord Krishna to Jesus Christ to Gandhi to Rajkumar Hirani to Chetan Bhagat, everybody professes that. Must be something there. So how about starting that with the bankers?


** Say "Hello!" to a stranger everyday and see what it does to you...


** Brain and Brawn, fellers!! Research shows that if the brawn is exercised the brain stays sharp. Reason for the sudden fall in my IQ to sub-zero levels??

Before signing off...

MJ was not known to write stirring lyrics... but this one from Heal The World is pretty nice and apt...

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die ...
Make a little space to make a better place!

(And in true quiz spirit, why Intel and Clarke? - Answer via Comments)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Idiot Box???

David Strathairn as chain-smoking Ed Murrow

[In an earlier Tamil post, I said that I wanted write about two good movies. Finally got time to do the first one.]
I like George Clooney. Be it his groovy voice, groovier three Oceans or the grooviest Syriana, he simply rocks. Then came Good Night and Good Luck.

I actually stumbled onto this great movie when doing - what else? Googling :-)
The movie is directed by George Clooney and gives us a glimpse of the McCarthy days in the 1950s America through the eyes of an intrepid journalist.

Edward Murrow is a television broadcaster who tackles touchy subject after touchy subject on his flagship programme "See it Now" on CBS (An extension of Hear it Now, his earlier radio programme).
What did Senator Joseph McCarthy do?

He practically whipped the whole of the US into paranoia by claiming that the US Government and other agencies were infiltrated by Communists and Soviet spies.
Now, it is a moot point on whether being a communist is a good thing or not; but in those days of early Cold War, if you are labelled a commie in the USA, then you are pretty much done in. It is a pity that people almost believed that every communist is a spy and vice versa.
Innocents were labelled communists because of their subscriptions to Serbian newspaper; because their only 'crime' was to have a name that matches with a member of American Communist Party or even better still: Senator McCarthy thought that you are a communist!!
Well, Murrow and his fearless team then take on the senator through their programme; of course as in the case of any government, pressures are applied; the sponsorship of the programme gets withdrawn; the CBS head-honcho develops cold feet - you know the drill!
But Murrow furrows on.
Finally, in a path-breaking episode, Murrow, after ripping McCarthy, broadcasts such a plea for freedom and fearlessness that I was moved to tears.
He says:
We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason if we dig deep in our history and remember we are not descended from fearful men ... who feared ... to defend causes which were unpopular .... The actions of the junior senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay ... and whose fault is that? Not really his; he didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it, and rather successfully. Cassius was right, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
What follows there after is, as the cliche goes, history, with McCarthy falling from grace etc etc.

The movie is in black & white (So, can't watch with the kids; they think that b&w is so passe!). There are a lot of footage of Sen. McCarthy which, I found out later, are the real ones & hence the producers decided to film the movie in b&w!!
David Strathairn as Edward Murrow is fantastic. You have seen in him in a number of movies including Bourne Ultimatum, as a hapless head of some crazy organization within CIA! By the way, that movie has a fabulous hand-to-hand fight sequence within an apartment/bathroom in a Tangiers housing block...digressing as usual...
His measured acting coupled with a very tight screenplay makes the movie a joy to watch. The movie also gives sufficient interludes (not boring though!) for you to chew on the morals that are in question.

One interesting sidetrack is when two of the producers in Murrow's team are actually married but have hidden that from CBS, lest they lose their jobs! When the McCarthy situation becomes so tight that people start worrying looking at shadows, the 'secret' pair have a quick chat. When the husband, Joseph Wershba, says that one of the two has to quit, his wife comes back promptly, "Sure, we're gonna miss you around here, Joe!", to which our man says "I'll go and pack my things!" Talk about women's emancipation!!!

The entire film is book-ended by an Ed Murrow speech where he extols the virtues of television and how commercial pressures make the big (and read as greedy!) corporations to bend the truth, where needed.

It may be that the present system, with no modifications and no experiments, can survive. Perhaps the money-making machine has some kind of built-in perpetual motion, but I do not think so. To a very considerable extent the media of mass communications in a given country reflect the political, economic and social climate in which they flourish. That is the reason ours differ from the British and French, or the Russian and Chinese. We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent. We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late...

This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful.

News channels of India, are you watching?!!?

A must watch on DVD.

PS1: You can read the entire speech of Ed Murrow here. A bit long; but worth it.
PS2: Blogger formatting sucks today; don't know why? The paragraphing is not upto the mark, inspite of a number of . Apologies.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Share Power & Happy Diwali!!

Some things are like a bad penny. They return back again and again and again.
Our Pool is one such thing.

In an X-files moment (a.k.a. early morning at 9), got this gem (self appreciation, ya ya).

Why not cajole the poor winners of the pool to part with a part of their winnings for charity?

By the time one brushed the dentures (self deprecation, ya ya), the idea was firm and next thing you know the winners got an email in the form of a guy holding a hat out :-)

Lo and behold, they came back thick and fast!
So what we have is...

The following good souls decided that they will donate their, part or full winnings for a charity:

Anand Re (Full)
Suryanshu & Ishan Combine (Full)
Yadavalli (Full)

That totalled up to $80.38 being rounded up by Zbank to $100.

This figure shall be donated to Red Cross as a few of the winners had indicated.
I shall do the honour next week and publish the receipt on these pages.

I was really touched to see the quick and generous response from the winners. Really appreciate that. And I am sure all the people who took part in the pool will appreciate that too.

A big THANKS for those who took part and donated.

Nothing better to celebrate the Festival of Lights in this manner!!

*** Happy Deepavali ***
And if you did not read the SMS, here it is... (we shall spam, come what may ;-)
On this day of Great Lights, may God bless you to be:
Loving &
Inspiring ...
Yewwww as Aishu says...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

12 Questions

Now that the greedy part has been covered, here are the details of the brainy part of our CCT09 Pool.

Total of 12 questions:

Smurf, UNO, MSG, Yahoo, Ipod (no one bothered to answer this!), Pseudo Sudoku (Very Easy :-), Mexico (Easy), DRAM (gauntlet picked up), Arabic (marhabatein! that is pidgin Arabic for you...), Taj from the top (my favourite in this round), Indiana Pi bill and the Marathon distance rounded the dozen.

Total of 49 correct answers and another score of wrong answers. But I was happy that people made honest attempts to solve them without referring to Google.

Congratulate yourselves for the good job done.

Now for the positions:

Congrats to Amar, Anand Re and Suryanshu for running closely.
All four of you get the sans-Google prizes.
Details will follow.
That much for the CCT09, folks.
Thanks for the active participation.
The fun & pleasure were all mine.
Any goof-ups - Mea Culpa and if it was good, pat your shoulder for a GJD :-))

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

In the beginning there was...

... nothing.
In the end, there was... Nothing again!
What is left are the good, bad and the ugly memories - in the reverse order of vaporising out of our mind. If that has not confused you, then congratulate yourselves! You are one of the sanest persons around.

Enough of the fluff, I hear. (Nice rhyming, eh?)

For the consolidated view of the pool check the first picture above - yes, the one that hurts the eye the least ;-) (Refer to email for further details)

And if that has not helped you much by way of improving the mood, then there are some useless statistics and sobriquets for you in the next teal picture. Enjoy.
Oh, by the way, the answer to the last quiz question was that the two numeros indicate the marathon distance in miles and kilometres respectively. A number of you got it right... Amar, Anand Re, Madhavan, Suryanshu and Yadavalli. Nice one fellers ;-)

Tomorrow - more about the quiz and the winners.

Till then...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Shane fries the Kiwis!

I hate those words: "I told you so!". But what to do, we are like that only.

Australia has just cleaned up the Kiwis for the umpteenth time. Only saving grace is that Ponting did not score yet another century; but... Watson forgot how to get out. Remember he was not able to score any runs at all - hardly three games ago... Form is temporary, as they say.

Seeing Watson's plight of not-able-to-get-out, I can draw a parallel to Adam (yeah, the First-ever man on earth). Apparently after all that sinful apple scene etc., satan tried to make Adam die. But Adam was like,"How to die? I don't know how to die!". And Bible goes on to say that the satan had to try for close to thousand years before he could teach Adam to die! Similarly Shane Watson has decided not to know of how to get out... (Heard this on Joseph Prince's Singapore preaching programme on a French TV channel in Geneva yesterday! Very Illuminating. Amen.)

Ok, enough cribbing.

Well played, Aussies. In a way, all the teams were kind of under-cooked except the Aussies (who strangely had lost that aura due to the Ashes loss; but people forgot the 6-1 pommie-thrashing!).

Pool went off smoothly & Sharath killed the finals.

More about the consolidated position, quiz answers/winners etc. in the next post.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sheared by the Sheep!

One of the best known Kiwi statistic is that their population is a total of 4.3 million (almost as much as Singapore) and has at least ten sheep to every human being :-) And when you eat that lamb chop next time, it is more than 50% probable that the dead animal was from New Zealand.


With all those statistics, it is astonishing to see that a group of no-famers have made it to yet another world tournament's finals. Only a total of four - Vettori, McCullum, Taylor and Bond, would make it to any of the other teams. As for others - "Thank You very much!"

My only gripe is that yet another trophy is being handed over to Australia on a platter. Well, the Kiwis, as Vettori said, have 'inconsistency' as their middle name. And with the form that the Aussies have got (that Pakistan game was to cover the law-of-averages), I can only hope that Vettori was 'double-bluffing' (God only knows, what that means!)

Suryanshu cleaned up the pool. He must have had a direct line with the Lord up there :-))

The penultimate question on this edition of sans-google quiz drew two correct answers. Madhavan and Yadavalli gave the "Squaring the Circle" concept. Kudos guys.

To elaborate this a bit further, the great pi is defined as the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter. And if its value is three, then the corresponding polygon to satisfy the definition of pi is a... hexagon.

In 1897, the Indiana state senate wanted to pass an act which would have mandated the value of pi to, among other things 4 and even 3.

I am told that there are some other peculiar laws/acts still in vogue in the great US of A! If you know of any, you can leave them in the Comments section.

Now for the last question of this edition. You have time till Monday 5th October night SGT to answer this question.

A simple one:
  • When is 26.21875 equal to 42.195?
Monday 5th October is the finals. So far 29 of you have worked hard to take part in the game. It would be great if there are as many guesses for the finals as well. Same rules as the semis.

Have a great Sunday!!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Complete Shut Out :-))))

The game was rightly summed up by one wag in the Cricinfo commentary:

"Police have apprehended 11 men masquerading as the England cricket team last week - they were seen acting out of character and profited greatly from the deception. Normal service has now been resumed."

And thank the Lord, my prophecy did not become true...

A few posts ago, I said (wishfully, of course!) that India will beat the Aussies into all colours... now the reverse seems to be fully on the cards :-()

The pool was normal. Unusually a number of stop-losses kicked in!

Answer to yesterday's sans-Google question:

A number of you got it: The Taj Mahal in Agra

As far who got it... here we go! Dhivya / Mahesh / Rohit / Pradeip / Ishan / Suryanshu / Guru / Madhavan / Yadavalli - That is nine of them - same as the pseudo-Sudoku question. Way to go!!

And the next question is:
  • If this had passed, then all the circles in Indiana would have become hexagons. What are we talking about?

Keep smiling.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Semi Finals Are Here!!

At the beginning of September, the ODI rankings were: SA: 1, Ind: 2, Aus: 3, Eng: 4, Nzl: 5 and Pak: 6.

But who is still alive in CCT09? Our dear mid-table mediocrities. Vagaries of life in general and cricket in particular....

Semis guesses were interesting as you can see from the above. Biju cleaned it up pretty much just for keeping faith on the Pommies. Remember what I said about the English...

Now for the 1st Semi-Final - The grudge match between Australia and England; Oh! it has been ages since they played last!! A whole 11 days have elapsed since they played last ;-)

A few changes to the guess rules:

You have to give:
Who wins
Runs Margin [1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151++]
Wickets Margin [1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10]
First Innings Score [1-160, 161-230, 231-265, 266-295, 296+]
Number of Sixers [0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10++]
Keep your guesses coming in by 7pm SGT on Gandhi Jayanthi.

The sans-Google quiz had two correct answers from Rohit and Mahesh today. Rohit accepted that he went to the omniscient source aka Google to get some inputs - even Google was not conclusive enough I believe. But not for me, as the big G gave me this.

By the way, the answer to yesterday's question is: All those words have one thing in common: They all have descended from the great Arabic language. No fruits, no cocktails.. good try, folks!

And today, we have another pictorial twist...
  • Which place?
To see it bigger, click on the picture at the beginning of the post.

Answers in the usual mode. Attractive prizes for the trivia winners.

Tale of two matches: Thriller and Time-Filler!

Thank you, Younis and boys. You tried valiantly to make it possible. But then, you should have lost the first game against us - yeah, right! You did not have any right to thrash us like that last Saturday... Let bygones be bygones. We shall thrash the Aussies red, blue and green when they come to India. Oh, we have the Champions League in between to forget this ignominy.

And did you see that our bowlers bowled like men possessed today, with some juice in the wicket!! Wrong timing, wrong place!! Let us blame it on Cricket South Africa for having doctored the wickets against India.

On one side people have started to talk about Dhoni's honeymoon being over - if my memory serves right, he has been the Indian captain who has had the longest honeymoon; a honeymoon which was built on hardwork, initiative and sterling performances. So, for the doubters, here is my advice: Go Eat Grass.

The pool today has seen two new winners. KP and Laks. Lady luck smiled at last!

Semi Finals guesses and the results will be published tomorrow.

Now for the sans-Google trivia quiz:

I threw the gauntlet. Three people picked it up and came up winners.
The answer is DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory; a small
measure used to measure among other things Scotch Whiskey; and the 3-like
symbol is actually called Ezh which denotes one measure of Dram) You are free to google now for further information as I did not know Ezh either!

Congratulations to Bhuvana (woke me up in the middle of the night; only the better-half can commit such atrocities and demand credit for giving the right answer!), Anand Re & Ganesh TCS. The men attributed their answers to, what else, drinking! Drinking does help!

And the question of the day is:

A little bit of etymology. The following four words have something in common. What is it?
  • Admiral, Lime, Tamarind, Apricot
Keep them coming. Have fun.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wanderers! Here we come...

New Zealand worked hard to make the game exciting but again the English had worked doubly hard to lose the game. The conspiracy mongers will be busy saying that the English lost to the Kiwis only to prevent Sri Lanka from entering the semis... But no such doubt for the Super Sep 30th... A special mention and appreciation to Vettori for recalling Collingwood - after the overgate saga today.
Dhoni has said that Team India will cheer Pakistan until the toss for its game against the Windies. True spirit of the game - t-in-c ;-)) While everybody is busy calculating the run-rate differences etc., one thing to remember: The current edition of the Wanderers square is very much akin to the other extreme of an Indian dust bowl. Under those conditions, I will not be surprised, if the first innings score struggles hard to cross 200! If only India had played its earlier matches in Wanderers than Centurion - at least the bowlers would have gained the false sense of security and we would be lampooning the batting failures :-))
And I got panned for two things yesterday.
1. Drag error on Excel for yesterday's details. Corrected - but do note that I did not bother to enter your other guesses as they are not relevant in the abandoned game. You can recheck yesterday's post again.
2. That the sans-Google quiz has become very easy!! Now, now! Yes, a number of them got Mexico right. To be precise: Ganesh TCS, Rohit, Amar, Suryanshu, Yadavalli, Guru and Anand Re are the seven. But still this number is less than the nine on Sudoku. Ok, I will throw the gauntlet with today's question. Let us see how many of you pick it up...
  • What links (a) a type of computer memory, (b) two-thirds of a teaspoon full of Scotch Whisky and (c) the picture/symbol/character below: (Clue: the picture is NOT denoting Three!)
Enjoy life and keep them flowing...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 7: Om Varunaaya Namaha!!

Oh, that is the Varuna Mantra being chanted by the Indians - especially the bowlers, who should be hoping for a miraculous turnaround in the last game against the Maroons.

One thing is for sure: the Maroons are not morons. They might be short on experience; but the Indians compensate that by being short on confidence - and of course that length ;-))

Anyways, because of the un-natural end to the game due to natural causes, the pool got skewed. Usually, the bank walks away with all the money under such circumstances (only to plough that as bonus in later rounds) - but then the tie-breaker guesses (sixers, first wicket etc.) came in only to avoid such circumstances. So, Guru lost out for being the fearless one to have wrongly guessed the first wicket mode of dismissal. So everybody is 16.67 cents richer! I did not consider the sixers as the full match did not happen.

That brings us to the sans-Google quiz:

Yesterday's answer:

Well, whoever bothered to answer, got an answer and all of them are, ahem... correct! Sivasubs tells us that it took him all of 15 seconds to do it. So, am not publishing any answer(s). I was even chided for giving such a simple question. After the IPOD, I thought that you guys deserved an easy one. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have asked for all possible answers, so there could have been some more competition. Next time...

Amar, Anand Re, Dhivya, Guru, Laks, Madhavan, Sivasubs, Suryanshu, Yadavalli - all attempted the question and got it right. Bon.

Now for today's question:

  • Back to a picture. Which country's map?

Enjoy and rush the answers and the guesses for the next game.

Oh, by the way, a number of you came back saying that the 2008 wordlist was nice/useful/interesting - not the Russian way! Happy to be of service...

PS: Om Varunaaya Namaha! = Salutations and prayers to Varuna, the God of Waters!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 6: Toss; Bat; 300+; Win!

Last week, in one of the numerous social occasions where one had the opportunity to add calories physically and emotionally, some of the friends asked me who would win the CCT 09.

After seeing them go down 6-0 against the Aussies, I said England. I could not have had told a funnier joke. One even had the cheek to say, "SriG, do you know that we are talking about cricket and not soccer!" The temerity of the man!

Anyways, England in the semis - oh! the English press, thou shall have a field day!! South Africa have redefined the term chokers.

And then the kiwis - but that was less surprising; they gave the Sri Lankans a run for their money in their recent series. So, all is fair in that drubbing. Wither Murali?

The English upset and the NZL reiteration are reflected in the pool results as well. Pity that only a few managed to grab the opportunity over the weekend!

Now for the sans-Google trivia:

The answer to the last question is: Insecure, Pressured, Over-Taxed and Debt-Ridden

Tacky? Not according to Oxford. Here are some more words of 2008!! My favourite? Jingle Mail.

Unfortunately, due to a combination of weekend lethargy and honesty, none of the contestants even bothered to answer the question. Good show of solidarity, folks.

Now for today's question:

For ye, Sudoku guys...

  • Arrange the numbers in the boxes so that NO two consecutive numbers are next to each other - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Same box shape, ah!

Enjoy and keep sending those guesses and answers in.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Windies Scare & Paksitan Flair

Dhoni said that he was three bowlers short.

I guess that he would have said the same thing during the pre-match team briefing, which would have gone something like:

MSD: "Ok, boys! We do not have Zaheer, Yuvraj and Sehwag. Apart from the batting, that is a total of three good bowlers short. Let us go out and prove that we are not short of any of those people. If we do this, we will not fall short of our people's expectations!! And remember the boundaries are also short, so our batsmen can clear the field..."

With so much reference to the word: short, our bowlers must have thought: "Bowlers... short; expectations... short; boundaries... short; my length... short!!"

That settled the game.

Australia is tired and they are making the English look positively positive through their whining. West Indies are growing nicely. If Team B can have its plethora of positive moments against the Aussies, then what could the Team A have done??

India can beat Australia; Pakistan can beat Australia. And West Indies can beat India. End of dreams.

Pool drew decent response inspite of the weekend. Amar and Madhavan cleaned up.

sans-Google quiz:

Nobody answered the IPOD question.

I am keeping it open for one more day.

Keep them coming.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lankans 6-6-6ed!

Imagine what would have happened if:

Sri Lanka had won the toss or the temperature was 6 degrees
warmer or the lateral movement 6 inches lesser or the bounce 6 inches shorter or 6 of their batsmen played some sensible shots instead of getting out...
Instead what we have got is an English victory - well deserved though; but can't take the English press. They will now write about how:
* they will take revenge on Australia in the semis and on South Africa in the Finals. They will also write how great a captain is Strauss (Indeed he is, played to the true spirit of the game by recalling Matthews - and I think Matthews was pulling a fast one by claiming obstruction by Onions)
* how great a job that the selectors did by selecting Eoin Morgan inspite of him being Irish
* how great a bowler Anderson has become...

Murali bowled like a club bowler and Bhargav has been maintaining that Mendis is another Collingwood (Just look out for the carrom ball and you are safe!)

Now for the sans-Google trivia quiz:
Answer to yesterday's question:
The five letter word is Yahoo. (Swift = Jonathan Swift who wrote Gulliver's Travels with its many characters - one of them being Yahoos; of course Jerry Yang liked it to name his company thus!)

Less tougher than the MSG - Yet only Yadavalli & Suryanshu got it right. Good show, guys!

Now for today's question:

An easy one:
  • Steve Jobs wanted IPOD to stand for "Internet Pod"; but all those greedy bankers have made IPOD stand for....?
Answers & guesses via the usual route. Have fun.

Friday, September 25, 2009

SA wins New Zealand, (:| (:| (:|

Thanks for those who sent in the 100th blog wishes. You can always leave your views and feedback in the comments. Of course, the guesses and answers to the emails.

One additional reminder: Please stick to the margins published earlier. Do not invent your own margins. Then I will have to approximate on what you have given me.

It was a simple game between the hosts and the kiwis.

Almost akin to the Pakis thrashing the hapless Windies last night. Yesterday, I was actually torn between two emotions: Happy, because the Pakistanis were showing no signs of controlling the self-destruction mentality & Sad, because that the Windies had at least two bowlers who can spell danger for the Indians - Tonge and Best :-()

The Kiwis pretended well - to fly. But then they are flightless and in the end Parnell bought his wickets well, I thought.

Otherwise, the Proteas are still rusty. But one could hear the sweet music of the engine for a bit longer than what it was in the first game.

Coming to the pool, today is the first occasion that four people have got the maximum points (9) by guess all the five categories correct. Looks like it is becoming easy, eh ;-) Congratulations, guys.

Now for the sans-Google trivia quiz:

Answer to yesterday's question:

The substance that has that devilish molecular formula is...

  • Not Proteins, Not Ammonia, Not Water, Not Caustic Soda... but MSG - Mono-sodium Glutamate, the famous additive.

Seems to be a tough one - only Yadavalli got it right. Great show, mate! It is tough to get a google search organized based on a picture. So a true effort!

Now for today's question (courtesy Bhargav):

Crossword Clue (5 letters):

  • A Swift Character That Yang Likes

Answers & guesses via the usual route. Have fun.

PS: (: l is the emoticon for yaaawwwnnn!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

WInded in the wrong direction!!

Every ICC event turns out a dud. This time it is the West Indies 'B' team. How can you explain the ICC spending millions on all kinds of countries including Zimbabwe and turn a blind eye towards two-times World Champions and former Champions Trophy winner!! Oh, that is their internal problem and we do not want to influence that... fat chance that cricket will survive in the Windies &*^(*&)($%#

Well! Paksitan tried its level best to make life interesting; but even they could not manage to lose it...

Yet another sibling combination to the cricketing world. Kamran Akmal and Umar Akmal. They look so much alike that at 1 in the morning when 'chotu' Akmal walked in to bat after born-again-Yousuf was unfairly given out, I was pretty much sure that the elder brother Kamran walked in to play his second innings. One's mind was riddled by questions like, "Has Sachin's proposal been accepted? I know that Sachin is God in cricketing matters; but even God has His limitations in moving the behemoth aka ICC. etc etc.." But then better sense prevailed after they showed Umar's stats card.

One thing is for sure: Whether Lahore has good dentists or not, the one that the Akmals visit must be an awfully incompetent one :-))

Did you know that before today, Tonge has taken a grand total of ZERO wickets in ODIs? And today, he opened them up with an honest list of four. And for the wicketkeeper Walton, a good harvest in his debut match.

The pool participation has increased. Good. Good.
A number of you got it right.

On that basis Anand Re starts the account - funny he finished on a winning note on WC07 pool... luck runs even after 2.5 years :-)

Now for the sans-Google trivia quiz:

Answer to yesterday's question:

  • The logo belongs to United Nations Organization (and not UNICEF as some of the friends wanted us to believe!) .
Seems to be an easy one - Amar, Polap, Anand Re, Chets, Ishan, Pradeip, Yadavalli (he was feeling bad that he had an undue advantage due to his multiple visits to Geneva :-()) Congratulations to all.
Now for today's question:

  • To which well-known substance does this molecular formula belong to?

Answers & guesses via the usual route. Have fun.

PS: Oh, by the way, this is my 100th English blog entry. My humble contribution to the World's boredom :-) Thanks for all the patronage.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

'DIL'led and 'DISC'ed!!

Cricket is a confidence game - in fact Life is.
How else can you explain Thilan Samaraveera, the emerging test player, playing a 'Dilscoop' off Parnell ?(the young man had a rude awakening anyways)

South Africa have to do much more than indulging in verbal boasts to keep their 'chokers' tag intact, leave alone shedding it. (Yeah, you can only keep the tag if you go to semis at least!)

If Dilshan cleaned them up in the sun, then it was the bowlers' discipline - a total of 2 wides & the first one came after two thirds of the SA innings was over!!! - that sealed the game in my opinion - leave Mendis' triple strikes, by then the SAfs were playing like zombies.

Comfortable & emphatic win.
Good start to the pool.
The points distribution is as follows:
Winning team guess: 2 points
Winning margin guess: 5 points
First Wicket: 1 point
Sixers: 1 point
Total: 9 points max.
- You get winning margin points only if you get the winning team right.
- First wicket and Sixers are independent.
- So, in a rare case, if you guess the winning team right and nobody has got the winning margin right and if somebody who got the winning team wrong, but got the first wicket and sixers right, then both you and that somebody will be declared winners as both of you have scored 2 points. Clear as mud?
On that basis Anand Re starts the account - funny he finished on a winning note on WC07 pool... luck runs even after 2.5 years :-)

Now for the sans-Google trivia quiz:

Answer to yesterday's question:

  • The cartoon character is SMURF and its link to banking can be found here.

Congratulations to Amar, for cracking this. He was our sole right-answer guy today.

Now for today's question:

  • The picture below is one jig-saw that belongs to the logo of an entity/company. Which one are we talking about?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Champions Trophy 2009 - Pool is Back!!!

Ok, here we go on the simple rules:

1. There are five things that you need to respond for each game:
Winning team, Winning Run Margin, Winning Wicket Margin, Mode of First Dismissal, Number of Sixers in the match
2. Please send in all your entries by 8pm SGT to
3. Please ensure that you give both the winning ranges: run-margin & wicket-margin
4. Please do not invent your own margins; stick to the published ranges shown below
5. If you are using Excel to track your guesses, when you cut-and-paste, please use Rich Text for pasting; the PCX format is painful from gmail.

Run Margin Ranges:

Between 1 to 50 runs (both inclusive)
Between 51 to 100 runs (both inclusive)
Between 101 to 150 runs (both inclusive)
Above 151 runs (151 and Infinity inclusive)

Wicket Margin Ranges:

By 1 to 3 wickets (both inclusive)
By 4 to 5 wickets (both inclusive)
By 6 to 8 wickets (both inclusive)
By 9 to 10 wickets (both inclusive)

Mode of first dismissal of the MATCH:

Timed Out
Handled the ball
Hitting the ball twice
Hit Wicket
Leg Before Wicket
Obstructing the field
Run Out
None of the above

Number of Sixers (no lah! Not DLF Maximums!!) in the MATCH:

0-3 (both inclusive)
4-6 (both inclusive)

7-9 (both inclusive)

Friday, September 04, 2009

Kandasamy - Cock and Bull!!

Have you read the prequel to this? And the Tamil Review?

Now that you well and truly want the K review, here we go.

Man! I have never had an experience, as 'interesting' as watching Kandasamy.

('Interesting' is an euphemism that the Russians usually use to describe anything that is screwy)

Otherwise, How can you explain watching a movie that has

* Batman (all those logical contraptions)
* Phantom (the spear tattoo on the victim's faces)
* Bourne-series (nifty - no, not NIFTY! this is an English word - use of computers to transact billions)
* Shakira music video (Allegra! rocks...)
* Numerous Kung Fu movies which extol the virtues of blind-fold fighting
* Robinhood (Prince of thieves, not Men in tights ;-)
* Sivaji (the numbers are much bigger here! Depending on who you ask, it goes from 30000 cr to 125 Lakh cr ....)
* RamaNa (there it was the college; here it is the high-school; next movie will tap kindergarten - remember Aegan's review?)

Story: CBI Officer Vikram robs the rich to help 300,000 families masquerading as a Cock (hmmm). He plays cat and mouse love game with Shreya when not acting as the bull in the china shop hammering away the untold riches of the baddies. As the Russkies say, 'Interesting'.

Vikram: A cool dude performance. Has slogged butt and looks dashing. Even sings well...And I want that mask!
Shreya: The Allegra girl has probably done her best role to-date. The hairdo, voice (dubbed of course! Suchitra?), skimy outfits everything oozes with attitude with a capital A!
Music: DSP's tunes will rule the FM world until Enthiran. All songs are Item numbers. Period. (If it is not Shreya, it is Mumaith!) - Can he stop referring himself as DSP? It is opening the painful scars of the Digital Signal Processing examination in 8th Semester :-
Editing: Quite cool. Lots of jump cuts; fast and slow at the same time. Inspite of that, the movie is long :-(
Cinematography: Hard-hitting; Different and desperate colours combinations in Chennai, Mexico, songs... good show Ekambaram!!!

Now for some awards:

Highest Small Scale Industry Impact Award (HSSIIA): All the Robinhood money is being delivered in the black plastic bags. So, this award goes to the producer - for getting all those plastic bags and ensuring that at least one small scale industry thrived! But the police missed a trick there, I feel. If Vikram & Co. deliver the money in those bags to the 300,000 families - that is a bulk order of bags, mate! To paraphrase the immortal line from that movie "All the President's Men" - "Follow the Bags!"

Cultrual High Imagination Medallion (CHIM): To Director Susi Ganeshan for making the 'Symbol of Tamilnadu' Mukesh Tiwari to do a pole dance. Wow! Heard that this movie is going to be dubbed into English, Italian, Spanish etc.. They will love that portion in San Francisco... Don't bend to pick up a dropped quarter in 'Frisco, they say!

Hollywood Or Kollywood Award (HOKA): Jointly shared by the Editor, Cinematographer and Production Designer The graphics and gadgets are very believable and enjoyable. Key stroke tracker; signature lifter - Super! You even have the mandatory iphone email floating around!! Very seamless and unobtrusive. Hollywoodish... (Have to find out which company did the software... May be they have an opening...)

Pizza Rules Cross (PRC): Have to find out who wrote that 'Dupe' song. The guy puts all those 'yucky rural food' down and says that Pizzas are the tops!! Aye, Aye, Sir! (Found out: Viveka; he even jams one part of the song.)

Piercing Pin Puraskar(PPP): To Mumaith. That is a very interesting place to have a piercing...oooooh! LoL!!

Alt-I Reward (AIR): To Vadivel. Heard that his entire piece is an insert in the movie, as an after-thought. The guy brings down the theatre – with all of its 70 people, on many occasions. Pandi knocked his head on the seat in front while laughing out loud, ouch! I could not understand many a thing that the guy blabbers. But may be my Judgement is Wrong ;-))

Overall: A good Hollywood-ish Movie + 7 songs + 20 minutes of Vadivel Inserts... Well, I will enjoy the 2nd time as well...

Kandasamy in Geneva - A Prequel

Kandasamy English review (from a city-bred pseud's perspective)
Kandasamy Tamil review (from Pandi's perspective) – Coming up tomorrow…

So, VeSa calls me on Friday and says, 'We shall go to the open air market in France on Sunday.'

Immediately, I go like, 'But isn't that the santhai of our glorious land?'

He then goes like, 'Yeah! But you only wanted to go somewhere! And I can suggest only this place. It is good. You might even be able to buy some cheap shoes, now that your pair has given way...'

Talk about aggression and you can't leave out VeSa from that discussion :-)

Then on Saturday, after I have promptly lost the hard-earned-money-bought-sun-glasses, VeSa calls once again. 'The open air market is closed this Sunday. So we can't go there'.

No, he doesn't have to apologise for that. Then five minutes later, he calls again.

'By the way, Kandasamy is being screened tomorrow at a cinema near your hotel. It is at 10.30. I will pick you up at 9.30.'

No, I don't have a choice to say no there. Thou shall be informed and thou shall conformeth (?). Refreshing attitude. But then if you implement Tnn, then you will have acquired that approach, I think.

Anyway, on Sunday, wake up at 8.45. Light breakfast - water and fruits. (yeah, right!) Get ready by 9.30. Hot sun. 10 minutes walk to the cinema. Pay 20 swissies. Pandi was there and so were a couple of other friends - one of them an ardent Sai devotee & the other a marathi-from-madurai--who-can-talk-Tamil. Motley crowd.

After some suspenseful moments amongst the total of ten people at the cinema entrance, one person suddenly opens the car boot and brings out these two huge 3-feet diameter fill rolls and voila! I see a film roll after ages - Nostalgia, Vellore. Vellore to Geneva - really long journey!!

But whatever happened to the movie on the hard-disk or DVD or blue-ray, which many of the guys averred is the defacto standard at Sathyam in Chennai?

We troop into the smelly cinema - you get used to that, anyway. And slowly the crowd builds up.

At around 10.00 the music starts - yes, you guessed it. 'Daddy Mummy.." from Villu and the playlist is quite contemporary.

Around 70 people trickle in. The movie starts at 10.45.

You expect the standard high standard on the audio and video fronts in most of the cinemas. This theatre does not disappoint much. An interval happens after what seems like an entire movie length and then there is only one Coke-vending machine. One is hungry and one surfs the neighbourhood for some snack joint. Sorry! Nothing doing. This is Europe and nothing works on Sunday. Funny and thank the Lord, that you are able to watch a movie!

Rush back to the cinema. Miss the first few minutes. Oh, shit! Loss of 20 centimes!

After another movie length duration, troop out of the movie into the hotter, brighter and blinding sun!! (Remember the lost sunglasses! Aaargh!)

Pandi is all agog. VeSa and Marathi are cribbing about a few things. Sai devotee is smiling non-comittally (What can he do? Mother Tongue is Telugu; Brought up in Rourkela and Mumbai. He was hoping for sub-titles - but then you do not need sub-titles for many movies - definitely not for Kandasamy!!)

Trudge along to India Plaza and have lunch - trying to dissect the movie as if we are intellectuals. Futile.

Call home and inform the news. Promptly get cut. Capital J.

Have to watch the movie again in Singapore.

Hmmm.. What to do, we are like that only! Mind It!!!

PS: The pictures just happened. Lord Murugan is supposed to be around wherever there are hills and mountains... So He is on top of the Geneva mountains as well :-)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Will two negatives make a positive?

In a true blogger's tradition, here is a post with a number of links...

As I have said elsewhere in my blog, I like Charu Nivedita's writing.

Recently, he wrote an article on Times of India about his take on 'how to live?' - and his angst towards today's youth's inability to do many basic things etc.

I am sure there were hundreds of rebuttals to that article - as it indirectly touched on the species of IT & BPO 'coolies' (watch out, that is my word!).

Firstly there was the rebuttal from Narsim (a very good blogger with a fabulous gift towards de-mystifying the Tamil Classics). Narsim had to stop the comments section for the relevant post in his blog!!! Such was the passion...

Then there was the rebut-the-rebuttal by Luckylook.

In the mean time, I had written my feedback - can't call it a rebuttal, you see...


PS: The link to the Tamil translation of Life's Tsunamis seem to be not working; better still you can buy that book at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where art thou, iPhone?

Came across this cracker of a blog entry forwarded by one of the friends.

Hearken, all ye Luddites!

The Geek Shall Rule the World!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just (Don't) Do It!!

A bit late though, but can't pass this up...
It is the story of one ego-centric multi-millionaire basketball player twisting the arms of an equally eager-to-please Nike to protect the Lebron James franchise!!

Lebron James was dunked by Jordan Crawford.
Jordan who? And, what is the big deal, you ask.

For those people who eat&live&breath&sleep cricket, it is akin to Sachin Tendulkar being clean bowled by.... hmmmm.. let me think of who it could be ... yeah, right, ME!

Practice game or net practice, indoor or outdoor, gully cricket or tennis ball - it simply does not matter. Sachin is bowled by me!

It is how big it is, for the basketball fans.

But that is not the problem.

The big and mighty fall off their lofty pedastals all the time. How they get up and dust off is what that matters. Well, a Sachin would have gone on to pummel me to Johor Bahru every other time I manage to get the ball within his vicinity and that will be that! (Thank God, this is only a conjecture!)

But dear Lebron (and Nike, his proud sponsor), did just the opposite.

You see, what happened was as follows:

Lebron runs a Basketball skills academy where young wannabes line up to get trained by, and with, the big man.

This gets recorded - for obvious reasons - advertisement, talent identification etc. etc..
But in one of the rare moments of history, Lebron gets dunked by Jordan Crawford (probably his parents named him after Michael Jordan :-). Jordan is practically a nobody and it would have galled Lebron to have been 'insulted' that way.

How dare you insult me? All recordings shall be confiscated
and destroyed immediately!! Now, I want it now, maan! Nike, like a true puppet agreed to the embargo and promptly invited the wrath of one and all!

What were they smoking?

If Lebron had immediately joked about the whole incident and congratulated the youngster (may be give him a pair of court-side tickets for next year's Cavaliers games), he would have increased in stature manifold.

If Nike had worked with Lebron and come up with a fabulous advertisement campaign featuring Jordan Crawford to further their 'Just Do It' campaign, then I would have gone and bought another Nike pair.

Well, if pigs can fly...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

M ko kyon gussa aata hai?

(Why does M get angry?)

M is normally a very amiable person who always goes out of his way to make people comfortable. Such are the idiosyncrasies of our Maker, that He has decided to try M’s patience by doing the following things:

a. Thou shall get out of your comfort zone of Zurich and go to Chennai, India at least once a month – sometimes thrice!
b. Thine flights will always be changed in the last minute
c. Thine luggage will always arrive at Chennai few hours before you leave that great city
d. Thou shall travel by Air France as much as possible
e. To compensate, thou shall be blessed with Taj Coromandel stay in Chennai

If M is still going to go to Chennai next week, it is purely due to the fact that Jet Airways has good “Shah Rukh Khan” movies to complement the Dom Perignon!!
Truly inquisitive to know how India ended up like this, he decided to refer to history and has taken to reading the history of the region and often comes up with such questions as: “What happened to Sarat Chandra Bose, the brother of Subhash Chandra Bose?” Now, we are not even sure what happened to Subhash, let alone his brother Sarat… Digressing, as usual…

This post is to show-case M’s sudden philosophical approach towards life in general and towards Air France in particular, after a particularly memorable experience in February this year.

Sit back and enjoy…

Air France - Global Disaster in Progress: Episode IV - Paris

Against general practice, Air France seems to indulge in loading the economy section of its planes through one aisle only, which allows the staff to prolong the enjoyable close customer contact during boarding for an extended period. Business Class passengers (éspace d'affaires) can board the plane whenever they want to, meaning that they can join the economy passengers in their quest to get through the single boarding door into the single boarding aisle. Of course, this provides ample time to reflect why Air France calls its economy class "TEMPO".

The èspace d'affaires seat complies to the standard un-comfortableness of a Lufthansa seat for short passengers. You can't stretch your legs but at least you can't exert any lateral pressure on your knees because your calves and feet are nicely boxed in. Since the toilet lights are controlled by a random status generator, you have endless opportunities to wonder if "red" means someone is using the toilet or not. The same, of course, applies to "green".

Today the standard Air France delay is forty-five minutes for all planes; which means that I would have caught my connecting flight to Zurich since it adhered to the standard delay.

Unfortunately the Air France check-in lady in Chennai divined from her crystal ball, that I would not catch the regular Zurich flight and booked me on the later one.

The Frenchman at the CDG transit desk refused to rebook me on the earlier flight telling me that my luggage would not make it. I told him I didn't care and that Air France could deliver the luggage to my home. He refused that, too. I managed to enter the fast-track lane through security and successfully reached the gate for the earlier flight. There I was refused entry for security reasons because my luggage was on the other plane. I told the lady that thanks to Air France losing my luggage, I had been a security risk on the whole first leg of my trip. This didn't impress her.

What remains is a report on the lounge: the croissants are alright, but the "point informatique" is the only corner of the lounge where there is no WLAN reception.

Now the sun is shining down on the vehicles of the "bagages equipages", and I am getting mentally ready to fill out the next "missing luggage" form in Zurich.

Air France - Global Disaster in Progress: Episode V - A.W.O.L.

Let us continue our discussion with airline information systems: in Chennai, my Air France flight was labeled as "à l'heure / on-time" until the bitter end, first at 2:35 AM, then at 3:00 AM. Take-off was at 3:40 AM. "On-time / à l'heure" thus seems to be an Air France synonym for "sometime".

Here at CDG, my flight to Zurich is displayed everywhere as 1305 a l'heure. At 1230, at the gate I wanted to board but was told that the plane had two hours delay. There is no snow outside, only sunshine, so it can't be the weather. Back at the lounge, a friendly lady told me that they couldn't find a crew for the plane. Down at the gate they had told me "delayed incoming plane" - apparently the air traffic control had only realized the plane was missing as boarding was supposed to start

Thus I am again sitting in the lounge, contemplating what the Air France crew that is absent without leave might be doing on a sunny afternoon in Paris.

And the screen still says "1305 AF5104 Zurich à l'heure"

Heard that M will be conferred with the Legion d’honor (or whatever the French try to bribe people with!) in the this year’s Bastille day….provided he flies Air France to Paris!!! M politely refused the honour citing project commitment – after all 14th July is just one day after our go-live!!!