Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sheared by the Sheep!

One of the best known Kiwi statistic is that their population is a total of 4.3 million (almost as much as Singapore) and has at least ten sheep to every human being :-) And when you eat that lamb chop next time, it is more than 50% probable that the dead animal was from New Zealand.


With all those statistics, it is astonishing to see that a group of no-famers have made it to yet another world tournament's finals. Only a total of four - Vettori, McCullum, Taylor and Bond, would make it to any of the other teams. As for others - "Thank You very much!"

My only gripe is that yet another trophy is being handed over to Australia on a platter. Well, the Kiwis, as Vettori said, have 'inconsistency' as their middle name. And with the form that the Aussies have got (that Pakistan game was to cover the law-of-averages), I can only hope that Vettori was 'double-bluffing' (God only knows, what that means!)

Suryanshu cleaned up the pool. He must have had a direct line with the Lord up there :-))

The penultimate question on this edition of sans-google quiz drew two correct answers. Madhavan and Yadavalli gave the "Squaring the Circle" concept. Kudos guys.

To elaborate this a bit further, the great pi is defined as the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter. And if its value is three, then the corresponding polygon to satisfy the definition of pi is a... hexagon.

In 1897, the Indiana state senate wanted to pass an act which would have mandated the value of pi to, among other things 4 and even 3.

I am told that there are some other peculiar laws/acts still in vogue in the great US of A! If you know of any, you can leave them in the Comments section.

Now for the last question of this edition. You have time till Monday 5th October night SGT to answer this question.

A simple one:
  • When is 26.21875 equal to 42.195?
Monday 5th October is the finals. So far 29 of you have worked hard to take part in the game. It would be great if there are as many guesses for the finals as well. Same rules as the semis.

Have a great Sunday!!

1 comment:

Suryanshu said...

Rightly said about weird laws, Sri-G. A couple that I have heard of:

1) Some states do not allow atheists to adopt kids because apparently that "denies the child its Constitutional rights to believe in a human being!"

2) In New York, it's ilegal to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.

... and this is apparently a first-world nation!