Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 6: Toss; Bat; 300+; Win!

Last week, in one of the numerous social occasions where one had the opportunity to add calories physically and emotionally, some of the friends asked me who would win the CCT 09.

After seeing them go down 6-0 against the Aussies, I said England. I could not have had told a funnier joke. One even had the cheek to say, "SriG, do you know that we are talking about cricket and not soccer!" The temerity of the man!

Anyways, England in the semis - oh! the English press, thou shall have a field day!! South Africa have redefined the term chokers.

And then the kiwis - but that was less surprising; they gave the Sri Lankans a run for their money in their recent series. So, all is fair in that drubbing. Wither Murali?

The English upset and the NZL reiteration are reflected in the pool results as well. Pity that only a few managed to grab the opportunity over the weekend!

Now for the sans-Google trivia:

The answer to the last question is: Insecure, Pressured, Over-Taxed and Debt-Ridden

Tacky? Not according to Oxford. Here are some more words of 2008!! My favourite? Jingle Mail.

Unfortunately, due to a combination of weekend lethargy and honesty, none of the contestants even bothered to answer the question. Good show of solidarity, folks.

Now for today's question:

For ye, Sudoku guys...

  • Arrange the numbers in the boxes so that NO two consecutive numbers are next to each other - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Same box shape, ah!

Enjoy and keep sending those guesses and answers in.


Unknown said...

Sri G ,

I don't know when you get timne to do these analysis. Hats off.

Mr(s) G :-)) said...

Thanks, KS.
Err.. I am getting a bit old; so KS is?