Some things are like a bad penny. They return back again and again and again.
Our Pool is one such thing.
In an X-files moment (a.k.a. early morning at 9), got this gem (self appreciation, ya ya).
Why not cajole the poor winners of the pool to part with a part of their winnings for charity?
By the time one brushed the dentures (self deprecation, ya ya), the idea was firm and next thing you know the winners got an email in the form of a guy holding a hat out :-)
Lo and behold, they came back thick and fast!
So what we have is...
The following good souls decided that they will donate their, part or full winnings for a charity:
Anand Re (Full)
Suryanshu & Ishan Combine (Full)
Yadavalli (Full)
That totalled up to $80.38 being rounded up by Zbank to $100.
This figure shall be donated to Red Cross as a few of the winners had indicated.
I shall do the honour next week and publish the receipt on these pages.
I was really touched to see the quick and generous response from the winners. Really appreciate that. And I am sure all the people who took part in the pool will appreciate that too.
A big THANKS for those who took part and donated.
Nothing better to celebrate the Festival of Lights in this manner!!
*** Happy Deepavali ***
And if you did not read the SMS, here it is... (we shall spam, come what may ;-)
On this day of Great Lights, may God bless you to be:
Loving &
Inspiring ...
Yewwww as Aishu says...