Legend has it that John Wright, that gem of a coach, took the Indians on a movie night to watch 'Remember The Titans' ahead of that greatest of test series in 2000 against Australia. Apparently, the movie kindled the Indians so much that they pulled not one, but two rabbits out of their hats in Kolkata and Chennai.
Move over, 'Remember The Titans'!
Enter 'Hussey's Hurricane at St Lucia'!!
There is no better way to exemplify the spirit of Australians on the sporting arena than to exhibit this innings again and again to all those under-achievers!
See the sequence of RRR: 80 off 6, 70 off 5; 56 off 4; 48 off 3; 34 off 2 and 18 off 1.
I cannot imagine any team other than Australia to have achieved this. The only other team that would not have thrown in the towel under such circumstances was actually bowling :-))
It was sad that Pakistan could not make it. Over the last two years, these are guys who have played less cricket than your average club cricketer from Singapore. You have people being banned for life, years; you have your economy on the brink; your country has pressure from all sides; yet, they not only survived the chaos, but they seem to have thrived in the chaos to reach the semis yet again & miss the finals by the proverbial cat's whisker!
One was ecstatic to have watched such a beaut of a game; Ended up waking people up to blurt the result out - only to be met with 'Oh, ok. Gotta sleep. Don't disturb!'. BKJAKS (Bandar kya jaane adrath ki swaad?)
Read this gem from cricinfo and it just about sums up the whole spirit behind.
"Australianism," wrote Arlott 62 years ago, "means single-minded determination to win - to win within the laws but, if necessary, to the last limit within them. It means where the 'impossible' is within the realm of what the human body can do, there are Australians who believe that they can do it - and who have succeeded often enough to make us wonder if anything is impossible to them. It means they have never lost a match - particularly a Test match - until the last run is scored or their last wicket down."
Paraphrasing, "You do not say -'We will play Sri Lanka on Tuesday and take it as a consolation win before we go home."
MSD - You need some rest, mate!
Leaving BQ-7 open for one more day to enable those who missed out answering yesterday. Remember the last question carries 5 points.
Siva* (11), Ishan (9.5) and Ganesh Kumar (9) are the top-three including BQ-7.
Remember to send in your Finals guesses for a cracker of a game between the Pommies and Ozzies!!
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