Dilli Ki Batti Bandh!(Delhi's Light was off!)
Everybody wanted Sehwag to do the needful chasing the highest IPL3 score. There was initial euphoria due to those crazy no-backlift, no-follow-through legside pickup shots off Zaheer and Malinga. It soon faded as a jet-lagged Bravo bowled slower than usual and Viru played so early that his first shot was completed by the time ball arrived within his reach :-)
And the rest, as the saying goes, is philosophy.
By the way, what is the side bet that Sachin will be in the World T20 squad?
Response to the pool - ahem, can improve.
Answer to the BQ1:
Don't come around looking for me with bricks :-)
Lalit and Utsav are two of the famous models of HMT watches from India.
Unfortunately, nobody even attempted in spite of the two hints along with the question.
Now for BQ2: (Courtesy Biju)
This zany house was in the news recently. Why?

Answers to the usual place.
PS: SPK is at $3.80.
Isn't that part of Sachin Tendulkar's fancy house..
Sri-G, what's the Special Prize Kitty?
SPK is 0.10 off every guess that contributes to a victor. The amount thus collected will be used to get some prizes for the quiz winners etc.
Check it out in the earlier posts...
There you go.
Rajesh was the first one to at least believe in a hoax and give the answer. I held on to publishing his comment until the deadline was over.
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