Thursday, April 26, 2007

SF#2: What a SAme...

Some problem in the uploading function in Blogger. Hence delayed update today.

All the people who guessed that Australia will win get 2.63 each plus two points. The ones who said SA lose 7.00 ; zero points.
Also, yesterday Xavier was penalized twice for no fault of his. Cut & Paste Error Again.

In the middle of the night, Ian Chappell quoted one of the rock legends (Words, Words, Finally, I have only them! - or something to that effect; was too sleepy anyway. Somebody who knows the group and the actual lyrics can send it to the usual email address for credit in the next post!) to reflect the pain/plight of Graeme Smith.

The match itself was like reading a Robert Ludlum novel - high expectations, cumbersome to start and endure. SA decided to treat us with the language part of that author and not the content part; All of insanity, craziness, zanyness(?) and no suspense, no thrill, no nail-biting finish :-((

Gross mis-conduct on Gros Islet... hmmmm...

ICC can hold its head high by saying that their seedings have worked. Pretty much the top 2 teams at the time of drawing the fixtures have made it to the finals. Read as 'clutching at straws'.

Finals is on Saturday evening. Was mistaking it to be on Sunday... Probably they wanted to ensure that people all over the globe watch the game in peace with the knowledge that they don't have to work the next day. At the rate the Aussies play, they don't have to worry! All games seem to be getting over with in 75% of the normal duration.

Same rules for the finals guesses.

Await for bonus declarations in the next post. One point: The first day of the WC saw the maximum guesses (23) and I hope that we can beat that on the last day! Your help needed.

Now for the Can-You-Do-It-Without-Googling Trivia...
(Just to show that there is life outside cricket, however small! No points; Pure quizzing!)

Answer to yesterday's question: 1. hungry mek cat eat salt (necessity makes people do things that they normally won't do) 2. whoever got clothes hang out does look fuh rain. (whenever people starts getting defensive then they have something to hide)

Guru, Muthiah and Rambo answered the question(s) correctly. Guru even invoked Murphy's law for the rain proverb; didn't fit too well, yet a different approach, I would think. Good show guys. The origin of these proverbs - of course, from the land of WC Finals - Barbados. These are bajan proverbs made out of hundreds of years of wisdom and probably a century of pidgin English :-) Btw, I read them in the latest issue of Readers' Digest.

Last question for the World Cup 2007!

Today's question (read somewhere):

  • Who is this cult figure? Zanzibar-born Gujarati Zorastrian Indian, Educated in and around Mumbai, got a statue of him in Switzerland, was one of the greatest voices in music, Guinness record holder.... if I give one more clue, then my mail box will be full with the correct answers!... Give the stage and real name of this person.

Your answers via normal mode of communication. Keep them rolling in.

Until the next one...

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