Saturday, August 29, 2009

Will two negatives make a positive?

In a true blogger's tradition, here is a post with a number of links...

As I have said elsewhere in my blog, I like Charu Nivedita's writing.

Recently, he wrote an article on Times of India about his take on 'how to live?' - and his angst towards today's youth's inability to do many basic things etc.

I am sure there were hundreds of rebuttals to that article - as it indirectly touched on the species of IT & BPO 'coolies' (watch out, that is my word!).

Firstly there was the rebuttal from Narsim (a very good blogger with a fabulous gift towards de-mystifying the Tamil Classics). Narsim had to stop the comments section for the relevant post in his blog!!! Such was the passion...

Then there was the rebut-the-rebuttal by Luckylook.

In the mean time, I had written my feedback - can't call it a rebuttal, you see...


PS: The link to the Tamil translation of Life's Tsunamis seem to be not working; better still you can buy that book at